we are
We are a group of more than 3,000 professionals, operating throughout Brazil and in other Latin American countries. Our core competencies are studies, plans, design (Basic and Executive Projects); project and construction management; planning and execution of complex undertakings (EPC); asset integrity management, operation and maintenance. We have an environmental area that operates transversally to engineering, providing environmental solutions in all phases of the enterprise.
For more than 70 years, we have relied on our team’s technical competence and on the constant search for innovative solutions to accomplish our mission every day.
Our vision for the future is to be market leaders and, for this purpose, we maintain a culture of developing our staff with high rigor, mobilizing our teams so that they can meet the challenges we take on. We understand that behind every good achievement there is an excellent team, and that everything begins and ends in the individual contribution.
We are fully commited to social, environmental and governance issues, contributing to create a positive impact on our customers’ businesses and on society.
We are eager to learn and innovate.
We prepare ourselves for challenges based on our teams and partners.
We take care of relationships with ethics, trust, safety, and respect for diversity.
We take responsibility and deliver value to our shareholders, customers, teams, and partners.

In the 1950s, concrete quality control in Brazil was not a systematic activity. As a way of contributing to the improvement of quality in construction, Mauro Ribeiro Viegas, then professor of Building Materials at the National Faculty of Architecture, opened the first private laboratory for the systemic control of concrete structures and their constituent materials in Brazil. This was the beginning of Concremat . In 1958, the office changed its name to Sociedade Civil de Controle de Concreto e Ensaios de Materiais, the embryo of the acronym Concremat , created a year later. The company installed a pioneering technological control laboratory in Brasília, to support the projects in the new capital.

With the currency crisis that marked the time, there was a heating up of the domestic market. It was during this period that Concremat carried out the technological control of materials in the construction works of the Petrobras headquarters building in Rio de Janeiro. In São Paulo, it developed a similar service for Petroquímica União. At the end of the 1960s, Concremat began its strategy of geographic and service expansion, opening offices in several regions of the country and also starting to act in supervision of works, studies and projects.

Brazil was going through the "Economic Miracle" phase. Concremat made a great leap in modernity by using external cables to reinforce bridges, such as the one on the Bertioga Canal (SP), and sonic sounding of deep piles with ultrasound. period was the supervision, inspection and technological control in the construction works of the ports for Petrobras. The company expands the areas of operation, starting to provide services of studies, projects, recovery of structures and geotechnics. It is now called Concremat Engenharia and Technology Inc.

Concremat Quality System and the accreditation of its laboratories by Inmetro confirmed its pioneering spirit and consolidated Concremat 's potential in the search for cutting-edge technologies and processes.

The founder of Concremat , Professor Mauro Ribeiro Viegas, was one of the first executives in the infrastructure sector to insist on the environmental agenda, actively working for the constitution, in 1996, of one of the first river basin committees in Brazil, the Paraíba do Sul River. , with the objective of addressing water and social issues associated with economic activities originated from the uncontrolled and irregular use of water. At that time, Concremat provided services of an environmental nature, indicating that sustainability has always been a priority for the company.

Acting in the management of the largest programs and projects underway at the time, Concremat established its name as a partner in sustainable development and was chosen, in 2005, the “Engineering Company of the Year” by the magazine O Empreiteiro. In 2009, Concremat Ambiental was created, as a natural consequence of the evolution of this area. The company now has a multidisciplinary core fully dedicated to providing, for all its operating segments, services that incorporate a high degree of socio-environmental commitment.

In 2012, Concremat completed 60 years as one of the largest engineering companies in Brazil. In 2015, together with the customer BMW Group , we were awarded first place in the German Project Excellence award. Award for project management in the construction of the Brazilian factory of the automaker, located in Araquari (SC). In 2016, we were ranked, for the first time, as the leading engineering company in Brazil in the Projects and Consulting category of the Brazilian Engineering Ranking. In 2017, a significant moment in our history: we became part of the China Communications Construction group Company – CCCC, one of the largest builders of bridges, ports and railways in the world. As a result of the merger, in 2018, we created the EPC Business Area, with the winning of the contract for the execution of the onshore stretch of the Rota 3 Gas Pipeline, from Petrobras.

Consolidation of the international presence with operations in five other countries in Latin America. In 2021, we were ranked as the 30th most innovative company in Brazil by the general ranking of the Valor Inovação award, rising 41 positions compared to the previous year and still occupying the 4th place in the Engineering and Construction sector ranking. On February 23, 2022, we completed 70 years, committed to sustainability through the adoption of seven materiality principles that guide our activities in all Business Units and areas of the company.
Concremat has been recognized on several occasions for its performance and service excellence. Check below our most recent awards and rankings.

Brazilian Engineering Ranking
Concremat has been ranked among the top 3 Designers & Managers companies for 7 consecutive years (2016 to 2022).

Value Innovation Brazil 2022
Ranked among the top five in the Construction and Engineering sector ranking and 52nd in the overall ranking.

InovaInfra 2021/2022
Highlight with the cases about the tool for control and monitoring of linear works with BIM concepts (2021) and the SIGA-OAE platform, which allows visualization of structures through a digital twin (2022).

CPFL Most Value Award 2021
Concremat was the winner in the “Highlight of the Year – Renewable Energies” category for the services rendered in the Gameleira Wind Complex project.

Best Petrobras Suppliers Award 2019
Concremat, through Consortium GTR3, received the award in the categories HSE Highlight -Safety and Onshore Engineering Works.

Deutscher Project Excellence Award
The BMW Group customer was the winner, in 2015, with the case of the construction of its Brazilian factory, located in Araquari (SC). Concremat played a key role in winning this recognition, among 120 cases worldwide. We work in the modalities Of Owner Engineering and Construction Management. Meeting all safety and quality requirements, the project was completed six months in advance and well below the planned budget.
Promoting the well-being and safety of all audiences with whom we relate, ensuring the quality of our services and activities, is a permanent commitment to Concremat. As well as maintaining a high ethical standard in everything we do.
Learn more about our QHSE guidelines and our Compliance Program.
what is said
ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
for the activities of studies, design, management, supervision and supervision of enterprises.
ABNT NBR ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System
for the activities of studies, design, management, supervision and supervision of enterprises.
ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System
for the activities of studies, design, management, supervision and supervision of enterprises.
ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
for the activities of design and construction of earthmoving works; design and construction of building works; design, supply, construction and assembly of oil and gas pipelines and distribution networks for fuels, oil derivatives and products in general; design, supply, construction and assembly of industrial units for processing and transferring oil, gas and oil derivatives; construction and assembly of off-shore platforms.
ABNT NBR ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System
for the activities of design and construction of earthmoving works; design and construction of building works; design, supply, construction and assembly of oil and gas pipelines and distribution networks for fuels, oil derivatives and products in general; design, supply, construction and assembly of industrial units for processing and transferring oil, gas and oil derivatives; construction and assembly of off-shore platforms.
ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System
for the activities of design and construction of earthmoving works; design and construction of building works; design, supply, construction and assembly of oil and gas pipelines and distribution networks for fuels, oil derivatives and products in general; design, supply, construction and assembly of industrial units for processing and transferring oil, gas and oil derivatives; construction and assembly of off-shore platforms.
Laboratory, Technological Control and Inspections
ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
Supervision, technological control of concrete, soils, floors and coatings; laboratory tests of materials and building components; inspection, evaluation and monitoring of structural structures and pathologies and construction systems; control and quality management of enterprises; manufacturing inspection.
ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2017
for Materials Technology Laboratories for the Construction Industry, accredited by the General Accreditation Coordination of Inmetro – São Paulo Laboratory.
Accredited Inspections
ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Inspections of Highway, Railway and Sanitation Works, accredited by Inmetro’s General Accreditation Coordination.
We are part of
CCCC Group

In 2017, Concremat joined China Communications Construction Company, which is among the largest port and railway builders in the world.
Fourth in the international engineering news-record ranking, CCCC occupies the world’s leading position in the segment of dredging and manufacturing of container cranes. In addition to size, the group has unique skills and engineering experience in complex projects, with expertise in infrastructure financing, which allows our clients to have access to these skills.
With over 100 years of experience, CCCC has operations in more than 155 countries; more than 200 branches and offices around the world; more than 60 wholly owned subsidiaries and 14 offices in Latin America.
To centralize the operation of its subsidiaries in Latin America, the group established the CCCC South America Regional Company.Based in São Paulo, the company operates in an integrated manner with Concremat and has an investment platform, CCCC South America Investment Holding.