Line 6 – orange of the São Paulo´s Subway
Concremat has been leading since 2014, in consortium with Setec, the technical certification of the concession contract for the implementation phase of Line 6 – Orange of the São Paulo subway. With 15.3km of extension and 15 stations, the new line will connect the northwest region to the central region of the São Paulo capital and will transport 630 thousand passengers per day. Started by the former Move São Paulo Concessionaire and interrupted in September 2016, the works were resumed in October 2020 by the Spanish group Acciona, through the Linha Universidade SA Concessionaire.
The Concremat-Setec consortium was then chosen again, through private competition, to continue the work, with Concremat remaining as consortium leader. The scope encompasses the contractual certification of all the services of the new concessionaire necessary for the implementation of Phase I of the undertaking and foreseen in the concession contract, including conceptual and executive projects, environmental licensing, financing, expropriation, removal of interferences, civil works, supply and assembly of metro-rail systems, supply of rolling stock, interface and integration, as well as tests and commissioning.
In practice, the certification comprises the monitoring of all the activities performed by the concessionaire, with the subsequent issuance of certification reports for each area of activity, in addition to specialized technical opinions. These reports are sent to the Concessions and Permissions Monitoring Commission of the Metropolitan Transportation Secretary of the State of São Paulo, the granting authority’s representative in the Public Private Partnership.
The certification work in PPPs is pioneering and unprecedented in Brazil: the Contract of Sponsored Concession No. 015/2013 was the first in the country to provide monitoring and certification of the entire implementation in these molds. It even served as inspiration for other models of certification that were thought and regulated, such as the one regulated by the Federal Government through INMETRO. Its first peculiarity is its scope: it covers from the design projects of the works to the beginning of the operation, with all the areas involved in the implementation.
Mobility and Urban Development
Independent technical certification
Linha Universidade SA Concessionaire – Acciona group
Sao Paulo-SP