PORE Digital Analysis
PORE Digital Analysis, petrophysical analysis on digital rock, promotes a non-destructive method of rocks from pre-salt wells, obtaining crucial characteristics and properties for the modeling and simulation of reservoirs, with results up to 90 times faster than the analysis methods traditional practices, contributing to the reduction of risks to the health of those involved in the process and to the preservation of the environment.
The service has been part of Concremat’s portfolio for 2 years and was designed to overcome the barriers that prevent the expansion of the use of high-scale digital rock techniques, such as the slowness of the specialized rock segmentation process, high cost of reproducibility and the difficult integration of multi-scale information, promoting a complete solution for digital rock analysis in a fast, automated and assertive way.
Combining material digitization technology with petrophysical simulation software and its own methodology for optimizing x-rays, characterization and image segmentation, Concremat has a structured business model from the reception of the material, previous characterization, generation of images , rock matrix segmentation, petrophysical analysis and simulation and the future upscaling with the well profile, consolidating a vast field of properties and digital files, such as:
Irreducible water saturation and residual oil saturation
Matrix composition
Relative permeability and capillary pressure estimation
Total and effective porosity
Absolute permeability
Integration of multi-scale models into a single network
Integration with other simulation solutions
The development of the solution was possible thanks to an R&D partnership between Concremat and FINEP – Financier of Studies and Projects. During the R&D process, with the scope of the MVP defined, we started an open innovation work with the company ESSS, aiming to develop the software for our analyses, using the pore-link methodology. In parallel, we internally developed our segmentation methodology for digital rocks and microtomography scanning, fine-tuning our equipment and business model.
The project was stabilized in its PHASE 1, with the service already offered to the market. Evolution plans have already been drawn up to assume greater scope and processing capacity and technological exploration, with the use of AI to further optimize the assertiveness and performance of results.