Strategic Monitoring and Evaluation System
Strategic Monitoring and Evaluation System

Concremat’s Strategic Monitoring and Assessment System (SIMAE) includes a set of technical solutions that allow the integration of public data with georeferenced environmental data collected in the field for all phases of the projects. With it, it is possible to carry out the control and monitoring of actions and the storage of images and information, in addition to obtaining a broad and accurate view of the enterprise, as well as the spatial analysis in real time, which helps in decision making and minimizes costs of rework.
One of the modules used in the strategic planning and assessment phase is the SIA – Environmental Interference System, which enables the identification and analysis of the main environmental interferences in projects and has been used to carry out prior assessment or due diligence studies of projects offered in infrastructure auctions, with emphasis on the Energy, Logistics and Sanitation sectors.
In the context of licensing and environmental management, construction management and construction and operation of projects, specific modules for collecting data in the field are used with the generation of automated reports – Geosupervisão (Environmental Supervision), GeoRAD (Environmental Restoration), GeoFauna ( fauna monitoring), GeoFlora (plant germplasm rescue) and GeoPCS (social communication actions). All information is collected directly on the cell phone or tablet, recording the social, biological and physical characteristics of the place from previously registered forms, in addition to its location via GPS.
When compared to the traditional methodology, data collection in the field was optimized, with a 40% to 50% reduction in expenses in acquiring and processing data. In addition, the speed in receiving information in the office is more effective, with the automated generation of integrated reports, practically in real time, minimizing the need for rework. Another advantage is the ease of incorporation of dashboards that enable the visualization of the enterprise’s environmental indicators in an integrated manner.
The solution was created from the expertise of Concremat’s Environment team, using ESRI’s market tools, Survey123 for ArcGIS© and Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS©. This union made it possible to digitize and adapt processes at all stages of an enterprise – such as pre-study, planning, environmental licensing, environmental management and recovery of liabilities – 100% online, in the cloud and with greater visibility, control and security over data and simplification of collaboration, access, maintenance and backup routines.