Terrestrial Gas Pipeline – Rota 3
Over two years – from December 2018 to December 2020 – Concremat was responsible for the construction and electromechanical assembly of the onshore stretch of the Rota 3 gas pipeline, for Petrobras, through an EPC contract. The work was developed together with Encalso Construções, in the GTR-3 consortium.
48 km long and with 22” and 24” diameter pipes, the new gas pipeline interconnects the areas of the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Pole to the former Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj), in Itaboraí, currently called Gaslub Pole. The Rota 3 project contributes in a large scale to the country’s economic development, since it increases the natural gas export capacity of the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Pole (PPSBS) production areas by about 17.8 million m³/day, making a new outflow route for the non-processed natural gas associated with the PPSBS oil production feasible, reaching the Natural Gas Processing Unit of the Gaslub Pole.
The activities performed by the GRT-3 included the analysis of the consistency of the basic project provided by the client; preparation of the executive project; materials supply; construction; assembly and commissioning, including the valve stations.
A very complex project, the implementation of Rota 3 required a high technical performance in each stage of the process, ensuring that there were no failures or future problems in the operation. One of the most complex activities was the welding of the pipe sections. To ensure that the procedure was done in the most reliable way, the GTR-3 consortium opted for the Automated System of Welding of Bands and Multi-Process Bugs, an innovative and unprecedented method in Brazil for onshore pipelines, with several advantages over conventional methods commonly used in this type of enterprise, such as greater stability and speed in arc welding, low repair rate, and constant electronic monitoring of data during the process.
Besides welding, other technologies employed by GTR-3 were drones and RTK radio systems for studies and initial surveys; an identification system using QR codes to facilitate the pipeline distribution project; and real-time camera monitoring of the hydrostatic test.
In December 2020, the GTR-3 consortium was announced as one of the winners of the “Best Petrobras Suppliers 2019” award, being recognized in the categories “Onshore Engineering Works” and “HSE Highlights – Safety” for the services provided in Rota 3.
Oil and Gas
Construction and electromechanical assembly of the onshore section of the gas pipeline through an EPC contract
Rio de Janeiro state